About MHC

The Multi-Center Handoff Collaborative (MHC) was formed in October 2015 at a meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA). The MHC is designed as an organizational structure to support the advancement of safe and reliable patient handoffs. Perioperative transfers-of-care (TOC) or “handoffs” are high-risk, error-prone events known to contribute to patient harm. Barriers to safe and effective TOC include inaccurate or incomplete information transfer; lack of consistency and structure in an environment challenged by cognitive overload and distractions.

The work of the MHC is focused on handoffs during perioperative care in hospitals. These include, but are not limited to, intraoperative handoffs of any type, OR-to-PACU or ICU or reverse (ICU-to-OR) and preoperative area/holding-to-OR handoffs. They may also include handoffs from the PACU or ICU to another unit or home, shift changes in the PACU, ICU and other related perioperative care teams (e.g., Acute Pain Service handoffs).


The elimination of patient harm across transitions in healthcare


To promote safe and reliable perioperative patient care transitions through:

  • Promoting a culture that prioritizes interprofessional teamwork
  • Facilitating the creation and synthesis of evidence
  • Supporting the implementation of best practices
  • Fostering education and training
  • Raising awareness to support our vision

Who does the MHC serve?

  • Quality and Safety Champions
  • Educators
  • Clinicians
  • Researchers
  • Learners
  • Institutional Leaders
  • Industry Partners
  • National Organizations (societies, regulatory agencies)
  • Patients and caregivers
  • Funding agencies and philanthropic organizations