MHC Working Groups
EDUCATION Working Group
Kunal Karamchandani MD / Meghan Michael MD / Chris Potestio MD
- Create a comprehensive handoff systematic review repository resource for the MHC
- Complete at least one scoping review of systematic review articles to be published in 2024
- Seek opportunities to host a multidisciplinary panel or workshop at a conference related to handoffs at a national conference (e.g., ASA, SCCM, IHI, SEA)
- Increase active education working group membership to expand reach and impact
Active members:
Aalok Agarwala (MGH), Aditee Ambardekar (UTSW), Zarah Antongiorgi (UCLA), Laura Boston (Vanderbilt), Charley Gartman (UPENN), Philip E. Greilich (UTSW), Patrick Henson (Vanderbilt), Jennifer Hernandez (UTSW), Kunal Karamchandani (UTSWMC), Jana McAlister (UTSW), Meghan Michael (UTSW), Huong Nguyen (UTSW), Chris Potestio (Cooper), Erin Pukenas (Cooper), Lee Ann Riesenberg (UAB), Michelle Tubinis (UAB), Joyce Wahr (UMinn)
Joanna Abraham PhD / Caoimhe Duffy MD MSc CPPS FCAI
- Curate existing implementation tools available to assist clinicians in implementing and sustaining a handoff improvement intervention
- Where gaps exist, develop new tools and resources to assist implementation efforts
Active members:
Joanna Abraham (WUSTL), Aalok Agarwala (MGH), Trenton Bryson (UTSW), Guy Dear (Duke), Caoimhe Duffy (), Philip E. Greilich (UTSW), Patrick Guffey (U Colo), Janice Kelly (AORN), Felix Lin (EPIC), Adam Marsh (EPIC), Fallon Ngo (UTSW), Bradly Phillips (U of Michigan), Zoe Sawyer (EPIC), Brad Taicher (Duke University), Andrea Vannucci (U of Chicago)
EMR Working Group
Amanda Lorinc MD / Andrea Vannucci MD
- Continue strategic partnership with Epic Systems to create an engaged team of clinicians and IT experts interested in developing EMR tools that can support safe and efficient perioperative handoffs
- In partnership with Epic, create an OR to Surgical ICU handoff tool to be made available through the EMR to interested organizations
- Create a mobile OR to SICU handoff tool to be made available through Epic’s mobile and tablet platforms Haiku and Canto
Active members:
Aalok Agarwala (MGH), Amanda Lorinc (Vanderbilt), Andrea Vannucci (U of Chicago)
LeighAnn Chadwell MSN, RN, NE-BC / Jamie Sparling MD
- The MHC will increase its visibility amongst clinicians and associated disciplines interested in improving perioperative handoffs in 2023 by looking for opportunites to collaborate with other national organizations and establishing a presence at national meetings
- The communications working group will effectively reflect and promote the MHC’s ongoing work and future directions in external communications through improved coordination with MHC’s leadership team and working groups
- The MHC will engage a broad perioperative audience in 2023 through website improvements, social media, and traditional media
Active members:
Arney Abcejo (APSF Liaison - Communications), Aalok Agarwala (MGH), Shane Angus (APSF; Case Western University), Andie Barron (AORN; UTSW), Elizabeth Card (ASPAN; Vanderbilt), LeighAnn Chadwell (), Rodney Chen (UTSW), Logan Gisick (Embry Riddle Aeronautical University), Jeanie Lee (Johns Hopkins), Isaac Lynch (UTSW), Katie Megan (APSF Liaison; EdensWorks, Inc.), Emily Methangkool (UCLA; APSF Liaison - Social Media), Eleanor Mullen (AANA; Newton-Wellesley Hospital), Jamie Sparling (MGH)